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The magical night of October 28th for Rhulani

- News, Accommodation

This night will go down as one of the most special in the history of Rhulani Safari Lodge. Achievements and celebrations abound. In the lodge everything is decorated and prepared for a celebration of the Springboks' Rugby World Cup Final together with our guests. Almost 12,000 km away, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Athens, Greece, the gala ceremony of this year's World Luxury Hotel Awards takes place, where Rhulani's owners Rolf and Marisa are among the invited.

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The evening program in Rhulani’s Leisure Room is set in motion with a “Springbokkie”, a shooter in the national colors of South Africa made from Amarula Cream and peppermint liqueur. The huge flat-screen TV is switched on to the channel for the great event of the evening. The fearsome faces of the Springbok team sing the national anthem with fervor, ready to defend the title against the “All Blacks” from New Zealand, during which a delicious four-course menu and some drinks are ready to be served.

At the same time, the ballroom of the Grand Hyatt in Athens is beautifully decorated. Beautiful women circle the carpet in high heels and elegant evening dresses, accompanied by equally elegant men dressed in taxido and bow tie, under the drum roll and Greek dances to the well-known Zorbas Sirtaki.

Everything is perfectly prepared, expectations are high. On both sides of the world, it is the beginning of an unforgettable night for Rhulani.

In addition to Rhulani’s staff and some guests from South Africa, the uniqueness of the evening means that even foreign guests develop a certain passion for rugby and join in the fun. The game can not be more dramatic. In the darkness and silence of the African bush, the sounds of joy can be heard far away when victory is determined with the narrow score of 12-11.

Meanwhile, during the award ceremony in Athens, Rolf & Marisa are invited onto the stage, where they accept the award for the "Best Luxury Bush Lodge - Global Level" on behalf of all Rhulani employees, for the tenth time in a row. What an award for our consistency at the highest level!

But not enough yet. At the very end of the evening, the Chairman of the World Luxury Awards presents a personal, special award for Rhulani, to reward our ceaseless efforts in connection with Widllife Conservation, Uplifiting Communities and our commitment to sustainable energy. No doubt, this trophy will have a special place in our showcase.

All you can say is: what a night!

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