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World Luxury Hotel Awards: Oscar number seven

- News, Accommodation

"World Luxury Hotel Awards" informs us today that Rhulani Safari Lodge has won the award on a global level in the "Luxury Bush Lodge" category. This award is one of the oldest and most prestigious in the hotel industry. We are proud that we have won this trophy, also known as the "Oscar", for the seventh time in a row.

November is the month in which the hotels are recognized for their quality from various organizations.

Although there are no major celebrations and award ceremonies happening due to current travel restrictions, and it is not easy to celebrate the successes, Rhulani’s team is very proud that we have confirmed all our former recognitions despite a lockdown of over six months.

"This trophy is the one that is particularly dear to our hearts. It is a people choice award, reflects the opinion of our customers, and it was the first award that we received in 2014,” says Rolf Steiner, owner of Rhulani. The golden "Oscar" will soon be exposed in our office, in rank and file with its six predecessors.

We would like to express our thanks to everyone who voted for us.

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