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Mandela Day: Building a new roof

- News, Community & Conservation

Today is the International Mandela Day. At Rhulani Safari Lodge we celebrate this day to honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela, South Africa's former President, and his values, through volunteering and community work at the “Andries Moseki Crèche in Lekgophung. We are building a new roof for the school.

2019 06 21 17 00 28
2019 07 17 09 07 46 2

Although our partnership with the crèche is ongoing, there is no better day than the 18 July, which is Nelson Mandela's birthday, to dedicate time for our community project and provide help where needed. The school building still lacks an intact roof, which is the first priority so that the young children can safely go to class.

Fortunately, at the lodge we have only a few guests today, and so many of our employees can go to the nearby village and start working. They do it with great enthusiasm and a smile. "The roofing is now around 60% done," says Rhulani's manager Carla Baasden, who is responsible for our community project.

“We are also painting the main area”, says Carla. Walking through the rooms of the building, she says with a mix of sadness but also anticipation: "there is really still so much to do, even if this day is over. We can't wait to come back!"

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