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Rhulani Insights 195 – The bushbuck at Rhulani

Look behind the scenes of Rhulani Safari Lodge.

A Bushbuck family lives in the middle of our camp. We've grown accustomed to these cute roommates just like they've grown accustomed to us. In today's blog, Rolf tries to get a little closer to the shy animal.

The bushbuck is a common, medium-sized bushland-dwelling, and a widespread species of antelope in sub-Saharan Africa. Its stands around 90 cm at the shoulder and weigh from 45 to 80 kg. They are generally solitary, territorial browsers.

Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.

- Anatole France, French Novelist

This delicate, slender antelope we are following today feels at home at Rhulani and it is almost no longer afraid. Have a lokk!

Stay tuned fort the next episode on 26 March when we have a look at the minibar in the guest room.

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