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Life of a Ranger: Off-roading for a Dagga Boy
Life of a Ranger: Off-roading for a Dagga Boy
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that sometimes it takes a lot of driving skills to find and follow the wild animals? Today, Rhulani's Ranger Willem tells us how he found a buffalo hidden in a small quarry, and we also l...
... and then I saw this silhouette
... and then I saw this silhouette
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
It was a completely normal game drive, with new guests, the first trip into the bush, and it was an afternoon with a beautiful setting sun. Alasdair, Rhulani’s head ranger, wanted to create a "wow" ef...
An aardvark in daylight and perfect visual
An aardvark in daylight and perfect visual
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Thato, Rhulan's ranger, was on his way to a lion sighting. But then, quite unexpectedly, a radio message came in and a little later a brief but nevertheless extraordinary sighting happened that you do...
Life of a Ranger: Catfishes in the mud
Life of a Ranger: Catfishes in the mud
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that catfish have lungs, which allow them to breathe and thus survive even in the worst conditions? Rhulani's ranger Alasdair shows us an unusual sighting today at the almost completely d...
Life of a Ranger: Giraffe drinking
Life of a Ranger: Giraffe drinking
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that giraffes have to be in a full eight before they get into the position to drink water? Rhulani's Ranger Dean tells us more about giraffe drinking habits today, and we see the unique w...
Rhulani Insights 227 - Elephant Skull
Rhulani Insights 227 - Elephant Skull
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
As we drive through the bush we come across the remains of a dead elephant. Together with Ranger Willem in today's blog we analyze the skull and learn interesting things about the teeth of this larges...
“It's all about the quality of the experience”
“It's all about the quality of the experience”
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
With great joy, Willem sends us a "great photo" and tells us about its uniqueness. Rhulani’s 26 year old ranger suggests that this photo should definitely be shared, even though it is a bit blurry. A ...
Life of a Ranger: Dung Beetle shapes its ball
Life of a Ranger: Dung Beetle shapes its ball
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that there are four species of dung beetles, and that not all of them form a nice dung ball, but some of them prefer to steal the balls? Rhulani's ranger Willem shows us today in detail h...
Life of a Ranger: A ruminating Impala
Life of a Ranger: A ruminating Impala
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that impalas are so called “Ruminants”, which means they are able to acquire nutrients from plant-based food by fermenting it in a specialized stomach prior to digestion, principally thro...
Life of a Ranger: Baby lion suckling
Life of a Ranger: Baby lion suckling
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that little lion cubs receive milk from their mother for about 3 to 4 months before the diet turns to meat? Rhulani's head guide Alasdair shows us the youngest lion cub in the park today ...
Life of a Ranger: The lion and the failed zebra birth
Life of a Ranger: The lion and the failed zebra birth
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that when a zebra is born, the baby has to come out with its front legs first and otherwise fatal complications can occur? Rhulani's ranger Willem tells us today about a failed zebra birt...
Life of a Ranger: Milkweed Locust
Life of a Ranger: Milkweed Locust
| Rhulani Safari Lodge
Did you know that the Milkweed Locust secretes a poison when attacked – for example - by a bird? Today Rhulani's Ranger Dean tells us interesting details about one of his favorite animals, and he expl...