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Conservation activity: a benefit for both sides

From time to time, Rhulani's guests ask us about the possibility to add a "conservation activity" to their safari. They want to sponsor a special, useful project to protect the wild animals. For the reserve, such requests provide funds to carry out urgent work. For the guests it is a contribution to the protection of animals, and it turns into an unforgettable day, which becomes a highlight of the holidays. Thus, a benefit for both sides, a "win-win".

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"It's not cheap, but I would recommend it to anyone who has the financial resources to support such a conservation activity," says a recent guest of Rhulani who organized an urgent "rhino-notching" on October 12th. The reserve was able to mark the ears of a young white rhinoceros and put a microchip into the horn. This is a typical measure to protect this endangered animal species, and to identify a stolen horn if it appears illegally somewhere.

For our recent guests this was an unforgettable experience, which filled a whole day: crossing the entire Madikwe reserve to the east side (an area which is too far for a normal safaris), tour in the botanical garden with lunch, instructions from the veterinarian about the rhino notching procedure, looking for a rhinos by helicopter (with a guest flying as a passenger), darting the rhino from the helicopter, notching of the rhino by the vet in the open field with the help of all the guests, and finally, returning to Rhulani in the evening. After all, a varied day full of impressions, activities and contact with the wild nature.

Rhino-notching is just one of the works related to animals. If you are interested in organizing a conservation activity in exclusivity for you and your travel group during your visit, please contact us. We are happy to present you a concrete proposal.

We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the Burger family from Switzerland, who have made an important contribution to the protection of the Rhinoceros.

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