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Female Cheetahs for Madikwe – Arriving soon

The dream of getting females cheetahs in Madikwe will become a reality. Rhulani is sponsoring a substantial amount towards this project – additional funds are welcome!

2014 07 23 04 50 06
Your help and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated!
- Carlien Esterhuizen, Field Ecologist

For a more than a year, cheetahs can yet again be seen in Madikwe. With a bit of luck, one can encounter on a safari either the four brothers who constantly roam together through the area, and with a lot of luck, you might find the fifth, who is a solo traveller. Therefore five cheetah males and no females, as “they are more difficult to find than duck teeth”, said Madikwe’s Conservation department a while ago, with certain frustration.

However these "duck teeth" has finally been found. After long negotiations, Madikwe’s Park Administration managed to acquire two cheetah females. The probability that the two newcomers will feel welcome in Madikwe and might even spoil us with cubs, is relatively large. There is no blood relationship with the five males, and as they come from another Big 5 reserve, the cheetah females are fully aware of the danger from other big cats. Thus, the chances of survival is relatively high.

Your help and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated!Carlien Esterhuizen, Field Ecologist

At Rhulani we have decided to contribute with a substantial amount towards this meaningful Conservation Project and thus to take over the sponsorship for one of the Cheetah females. Taking all of this into considerations, "we are still in need of money to cover the total cost of the two cats and 4 collars," says Carlien Esterhuizen, Field Ecologist in Madikwe. “Your help and enthusiasm is greatly appreciated!”

If you want to contribute towards this project, please make the payment to below bank account and send a proof of payment to

Name of account:  Madikwe Concessionaires Forum
Bank: RMB Private Bank
Branch code: 222026
Account number:  62454169717

We are very curious when the cheetahs will arrive in Madikwe, where they will be staying in a boma for a while to adapt to their new environment and to be released a little later. Stay connected and we will keep you up to date on this exciting project!

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