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World Luxury Hotel Awards: Rhulani achieves the triple

- News, Accommodation

Rhulani is proud to announce that we have been voted "Best Luxury Bush Lodge - Global Winner" by the 2016 World Luxury Hotel Awards. It is a recognition for our constant desire to provide the best service to our guests.

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"The award belongs to our amazing staff
- Rolf Steiner, owner of Rhulani
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For the 10th anniversary of the World Luxury Hotel Awards, the organizers selected the fast-growing city of Doha in Qatar to hand over the trophies to the winners. "It was again a long trip for just an evening event, but also an exciting one", says Rhulani's owner Rolf Steiner. Like two years ago in Cape Town and last year in Hong Kong, Rolf didn’t want to miss the opportunity to receive the trophy for Rhulani personally.

"The award belongs to our amazing staffRolf Steiner, owner of Rhulani

The trip was worth it. For the third consecutive time Rhulani was voted "Best Bush Lodge Worldwide". At this prestigious event, which is equivalent to an "Oscar ceremony", this year more than 800 hotels worldwide fought for trophies and titles in different categories. This event is based on the principle of peoples choice, so a total of more than 160,000 votes were registered earlier this year. For Rhulani, there were enough votes to win the award at the highest, global level.

"It is a wonderful recognition for our team, that every day with passion looks after our guests," says Rolf. He was even invited this time to an interview from the World Luxury Hotel Awards, where he highlighted the "passion of the employees" as one of the differentiating factors. He thanked the whole team and found it a pity that not everyone could be there in Doha this evening. "The award belongs to our amazing staff, and I will bring the trophy to Rhulani as soon as possible".

Despite the short weekend, Rolf found some time to gain an impression of Doha city. "The infrastructure is hypermodern, the cityscape changes every day, construction works everywhere, and a lot of things are much more advanced than what I had imagined," says Rolf. "Above all, I was impressed by the country's initiatives to ensure education, health and prosperity in the long term, in a mixed society, where tolerance is key, and where the traditional islam gets modernized to get along with the needs of a growing western population".

Next year, we hope we can fight for the title again. The trip to the Award Ceremony would then not be so far for once. In 2017 it will take place in St. Moritz, Switzerland, in Rolf's home country.

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