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A magical moment with the cheetah brothers

- Wildlife, Ranger's Blog

It was an afternoon when all three Rhulani rangers set out in their vehicles with the sole purpose of finding the cheetahs. The team eventually succeeded, and as Willem tells us, meeting the cats was quite magical.

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As Willem recounts, Martin, Ida and Barbara, well known returning guests of Rhulani, were on his vehicle. Everyone was curious to see whether the targeted cheetah search would end happily.

The goal was to find the two Cheetah males. It was Willem's colleague Ralf, who after some time discovered the two elegant cats, lying flat next to a termite mound.

“When I joined shortly after, the cheetahs became active”, tells Willem. “On the movement of them starting they were having a social grooming with one another head biting each other, licking one another, scraping against each other. It was almost magical to see from so close how these two boys, who are always roaming together, constantly show and confirm their affection which strengthen their bond.

“There was not so much of the purring noise that they give as well”, says Willem.
Cheetahs sometimes purr with such vigour that the hairs on their chest and throat pulsate in response. 

So, Willem was sitting there for quite a while, just enjoying one of these magical moments. We also let you participate and please enjoy some great photos which Willem took.

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