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Rhulani Insights 157 – Elephant Bones

  • January 31, 2021 | Rhulani Safari Lodge

Look behind the scenes of Rhulani Safari Lodge.

On our excursions through the wilderness with Ralf we find Ralf at a place where some bones are scattered around. Just from the size of them it is obvious: that was an elephant. This big mammal had died of natural causes a few months ago.

Let's let Ralf explain a few details about these bones. Interesting to see how far apart the bones are from each other, which means that wild animals have shifted them while eating, or were playing around with them.

It is also interesting to see that even the remains of such a large animal disappear completely within a relatively short time.

“Bones tell me the story of a person's life - how old they were, what their gender was, their ancestral background. ” – Kathy Reichs, American Writer

Stay tuned for the next episode on 14 February when we find a millipede in the office.