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The joke with the egg-eating snake

- News, Staff, Wildlife, Ranger's Blog

News from our young ranger and «snake man» Martin: He recently found a snake in a bucket near our water tanks. A typical location for the dangerous puff adder. And it actually also looked like one...

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For our "snake man" such a discovery is of course a highlight of the day. He says: "This snake looks like a puff adder, and with its behavior it tries everything to copy its dangerous double. But it wasn’t a puff adder". With a grin, Martin looks at this beautiful snake, which is about 1 meter long, as it is trying to snap at him.

"This snake is typical for South Africa and one of the most harmless snakes I know," explains Martin. "It's a so-called egg-eating snake". The name comes obviously from the fact that this snake mainly eats eggs. “It is not venomous. It does not even have teeth", Martin says.

Martin uses this confusion to make a little joke with his colleagues in the lodge. He shows the alleged puff adder to Riaan, who immediately takes a safe distance and wants to capture the animal with s snake catcher to move it away from the lodge. As far as possible.

The joke is a success. The harmless animal finally finds a beautiful place in Martin's garden, where it can stay if it wants.

Martin constantly has a new exciting story to tell. If you want to read more, click on the articles below:

Life of a Ranger: Rock Python

On a special drive with Martin

Rhulani Insights 119 – Releasing a Rock Python

Sanmari and Martin: a young couple joins Rhulani’s team

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