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Rhulani Insights 206 – A curious hornbill

- Accommodation, Rhulani Insights

Look behind the scenes of Rhulani Safari Lodge.

When you are at the lodge, the safari and nature experience is far from over. There are little surprises everywhere, like today for Rolf, who actually wants to work a little bit in Rhulani's Leisure Room. But then someone knocks on the window.

Our little friend is very curious and not afraid at all. He looks boldly through the window into the room. So let’s have a look and say hello to him.

It is not only fine feathers that make fine birds.

- Aesop, Greek Author

It is an adult yellow-billed hornbill. You can find many of these conspicuous birds when on safari in Madikwe Reserve, and some of them like to stay in the lodge and in the vicinity of humans. This one taps on the pane with its large beak as if to attract attention.

Stay tuned fort the next episode on 27 August when we watch the prep work for dinner.

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