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Rhulani Safari Lodge nominated for the 2022 World Luxury Hotel Awards

- News, Accommodation

For the ninth year in a row, Rhulani Safari Lodge has managed to be shortlisted for the 2022 World Luxury Hotel Awards (WLHA). We are delighted with this new nomination, which comes at a convenient time for us. With the expected end of the pandemic and the increase in tourism from overseas, we have great ambitions to offer international guests a "once in a lifetime experience" and to be chosen as a winner at the awards.

Hotel winner
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Development, boom, lockdown, crisis, reconstruction - how many different times have accompanied Rhulani Safari Lodge on the way over the last decade. But one thing has remained constant over the years: our focus on quality, and the recognition of our efforts by one of the oldest and most prestigious international hotel awards. Since 2014 we have been consistently named "Best Luxury Bush Lodge - Worldwide" by WLHA and have already won eight trophies, also known as “Oscars in the hotel industry”.

"A voting poll will take place again in the middle of the year, where we hope for the support of our community consisting of many satisfied returning guests, friends and travel partners", says Rhulani's owner Rolf Steiner. The number of votes will be one of the factors that determine the chances of winning.

About World Luxury Hotel Awards

Established in 2006, World Luxury Hotel Awards is the pinnacle of achievement in the luxury hotel industry. Over 300 000 international travelers vote each year, during a four-week period to select the winners. Luxury hotels have the opportunity to participate in the World Luxury Hotel Awards by entering hotel categories that showcase their unique selling points and destinations.

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