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Rhulani Insights 164: Thorns and Spines

  • May 09, 2021 | Rhulani Safari Lodge

Look behind the scenes of Rhulani Safari Lodge

An interesting blog today, again in the middle of the bush on safari, with Ralf. We take a look at a tree that has a red colored bark, which comes from a chemical called "tannin", which the tree produces in its defense. And so we speak today of the defense mechanisms of the trees.

We also recognize the difference between the thorns and the spines. As Ralf shows us with two examples, thorns are modified leaves and spines are modified branches.

Both are primarily useful so that the trees can protect themselves from the animals that eat them.

“He that sows thorns should never go barefoot.” – Benjamin Franklin, American Politician

Stay tuned for the next episode on 23 May when we visit an Aardvark hole together with Ralf.