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Rhulani Insights 141 – Clearing the airstrip

  • May 10, 2020 | Rhulani Safari Lodge

Look behind the scenes of Rhulani Safari Lodge.

Maybe you will arrive at Rhulani Safari Lodge by taking the Fedair flight from the international airport in Johannesburg. Then we will pick you up at our Western Airstrip. One of the preparatory work for landing is to chase the animals off the airstrip.

This blog was produced before the Coronavirus crisis. We are waiting today with Martin at the Western Airstrip building for our arriving guests. 

There are some zebras standing in the middle of the runway. They definitely have to get away from there!

Martin starts the engine and off we go. Watch this "routine work" and have some fun!

“People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing.” – Will Rogers, American Author

Stay tuned for the next episode on Sunday 24 May 2020 when we meet two dung beetles in the bush.