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Martín Gauto: “The common challenge is the ‘Loneliness at the Top’”

  • December 19, 2014 | Rhulani Safari Lodge

In December 2014, the experienced businessman Martín Gauto from Argentina visited Rhulani Safari Lodge and acted as a “Strategic Ally” for our CEO Chris. After a successful journey, Martín elaborates on his first experiences with a General Manager of a Safari Lodge and about his affinity to the bush.

6 intense days: Rhulani's General Manager Chris in a working session with his strategic ally Martín Gauto

After six intense working days, what was your feeling when you left Rhulani?

Martín Gauto: I felt very happy. On the one hand, the initial feedback received seemed to indicate that my intervention as Strategic Ally of Rhulani's CEO had been successful. Fortunately, this was confirmed later on. On the other hand, I felt happy because I had the opportunity to experience and enjoy the magnificence of wild life.

“Trust between all the members is a key requisite for a successful team” – Martín Gauto, Strategic Ally of the CEO

Your experience as a CEO is in different industries. Do all CEO's have the same challenges, including the CEO of a Safari Lodge?

Martín Gauto: The answer is "Yes"... and "No"! Challenges depend on several factors, for example: the specific situation of the organization, the different personalities of the executive team and the characteristics of the business environment, among many others. However, having said that, I ought to add that in my opinion the "one" common challenge all leaders face, is what is usually known as the problem of "loneliness at the top".

What stood out in your sessions with our CEO?

Martín Gauto: His positive attitude towards all of the topics that we reviewed together. However, even greater than that, the encouraging initial openness by your CEO; I am really satisfied because only a week after my departure from the lodge some very important changes were already being implemented.

You told us before your travel, that you do not have an affinity for the bush. After your visit, do you like the animals a little bit more?

Martín Gauto: I want to thank you for the "polite and diplomatic" way of phrasing your question: it was worse than "no affinity". I honestly thought that, "game drive", "big five" or "wild life" would never be a part of my life. Well...that has changed! I was greatly and positively surprised by my stay at Rhulani where I enjoyed everything a lot. So, the answer is a big... "Yes, I do!" 

During your stay, you conducted an open talk with our management team. What is the secret for a successful team?

Martín Gauto: Same as with the CEO's challenges, success of a team depends on several critical things. Sometimes you need to improve communications, while under other circumstances the focus could be motivation or delegation. However, if I had to choose just one "sine qua non" requisite, I would name TRUST between all the members of the Team.


About Martín Gauto

Martín Gauto

Martín has the required competencies to become the ideal strategic ally of every leader willing to optimize his performance while improving his quality of life. Thanks to his extensive career leading first-line companies and as a university teacher, Martin is best suited to use such skills in private meetings that will add effective value to leaders requesting his help. His business acumen, both inside and outside the company, his experience in management, having ridden through extremely chaotic contexts, and his communication skills strengthened in academia, allow him to convey difficult and complex concepts in a friendly manner. Martin led large companies since the late 80's and for nearly 25 years. He was in charge of the start-up of two companies in Argentina: "Autoplan Sevel" (1987/1995), "The Capita Corporation" (Start Up-1995/1998) and "Prudential Seguros" (Start Up-1998/2010). Visit Martín's website.